Measure new place for furniture and window coverings (doorways, walls, stairs, elevator
Get it Started…
Local Landline Phone Service: AT&T 800-310-2355
Long Distance Provider (research the best provider for your needs)
Gas and Electric Service: SDGE 800-411-7343
City of San Diego Water/Sewer Department (619) 515-3500
Cable (service provider depends on your location):
Time Warner 858-695-3220 or
Cox Communications 619-262-1122
Don’t forget to stop your old utility services, too!
Get It Packed
Get *clean* boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, scissors, rope, furniture pads. Don’t get used boxes from food stores! They can have roach eggs embedded in them, which will transfer to your personal belongings.
Pack a separate box with valuables, medicines, birth certificate and passport.
red-toolsPack early anything you won’t need to use before your move.
Save space and money: your towels and linens make great packing material for your breakables.
Leave clothing in drawers.
Take apart beds and tables, put the hardware in a ziploc bag and tape it to them.
Wrap paintings and mirrors in blankets.
Get It Moved
Pick up truck
Load truck with heavy items first
Put all boxes in appropriate room in new home
Do final clean of old place after last load is unloaded
Check all cabinets/closets for remaining items
Get Settled In
Find The Nearest…
Police/Fire station
Grocery store
Convenience store
Movie rental
Gas station
Post office
Check out Sign on San Diego for lots of additional information and events